Saturday, January 3, 2009

Assignment #1 - Complete

I have finished assignment #1 for 2YN, but as I went over all the other posts already up I'm beginning to feel like my story isn't quite up to par.

What I'm really worried about is the theme - I want a theme that I actually care about. I want people to read my novel and truly get something from it. I'm going to have work long and hard on that one.


Betty Welch said...

You sound a little like me. I read the other 2YN assignment post and it makes me question what I am writing about..Is my story interesting? Can I write my story good enough to get it published? and on and on I question myself.

This is what I can across in a book on writing by Phyllis A. Whitney (who is she you ask? Back in my day she was the YA author of all time).

Remember this, there is no one better to tell your story than you.

I hope this encourages you.

John F. Michael said...

Hi and thanks for your post on my blog. I am excited about this 2YN thing, too. I also got the first year ebook awhile back and tried to do it on my own, but it didn't work out. I'm already loving the class a lot better. I'm glad I decided to go ahead and participate even though I got a late start. Good luck with your novel and I will look for your member thread on FM.